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24-25 SY Kickoff

Welcome to Hickory Creek Middle School

Hickory Creek Middle School is proud of the accomplishments of the students and staff as well as the commitment by the community to provide the best opportunities to teach and develop young adolescents. 

Hickory Creek Middle School has a long and rich history in Frankfort Community Consolidated School District 157-C. The original school was located on 80th Avenue. This structure was originally constructed in 1974, with additions in 1995. In August 2006, the new Hickory Creek Middle School, located on 116th Avenue, was opened to house grades six through eight. 


Vision Statement

Adolescence is one of the most fascinating and complex transitions in the life span: a time of accelerated growth and change second only to infancy; a time of expanding horizons, self-discovery, and emerging independence; a time of metamorphosis from childhood to adulthood. Its beginning is associated with profound biological, physical, behavioral, and social transformations that roughly correspond with the move to middle school or junior high school. The events of this crucially formative phase can shape an individual’s entire life course and thus the future of our society.

We believe that to help students through this challenging time period, school should be a unique place or a special place just for them. Learning is important, but so are students. 


Hickory Creek Middle School

22150 116th Ave
Frankfort, Illinois 60423
Phone: 815.469.4474
Fax: 815.469.7930
Grades 6, 7, and 8 7:45AM - 2:10PM


Bus Transportation 
Please note that children are not permitted to ride another bus to or from school unless there is an emergency situation, and permission has been granted from the school. This is for the safety of your child. Students are to use their designated stop only when boarding the bus in the morning and exiting the bus in the afternoon. We appreciate your assistance with this as our main concern is delivering your children safely to and from school.
Student Drop-Off 
The front doors open at 7:20 A.M. daily and we encourage all students to be in the building by 7:35 A.M., so they can be seated, ready for attendance, and begin our day at 7:45 A.M.  
Parents who choose to drive their children to school should enter the large parking lot and patiently participate in the drop off line. Students who are in the car rider line should be prepared to exit the car as efficiently as possible once they are within walking distance of the main entrance. Our staff will be out there to help keep the car line moving. Please plan to pull ahead as far as you can each time that the drop off line stops to ensure that multiple students can be dropped off at once. 
Once our last bus arrives to drop off students in the small parking lot, hopefully by 7:30 A.M., we will open the small lot to families to utilize for morning drop off.  A staff member will indicate when this lot is open and ready for use (approximately by 7:30 A.M.), once all buses have arrived.
Student Pick-Up 
At the end of the day, students may take their assigned bus and route home or be picked up by their family. We will use both parking lots in the front of the school for pick up traffic. Eighth grade families should pick their children up in the small parking lot and Sixth and Seventh grade families should pick their children up in the large parking lot. If there are multiple age children from a family or carpool, please use the large lot.  For the safety of all students, students must wait for their family and should not walk through our parking lot at dismissal.  
Students not in their Tiger Time Advisory class by 7:45 A.M. are considered tardy and need to report to the Main Office to receive a pass to enter class and be marked present for the day. Please make every effort to have your child to school no later than 7:35 A.M. so that classes may begin promptly at 7:45 A.M. 
Tiger TV
Live Stream

Contact us

22150 116th Avenue, Frankfort, Illinois, 60423
Phone (815) 469-4474


Tricia Dotson


HCMS has received designations for outstanding middle school practices. HCMS has served as a Demonstration School since 2005 and was awarded the Illinois Horizon Schools to Watch in 2009, 2012, 2015, 2018 and 2022. HCMS was awarded the Raising Student Achievement Award in 2017 and earned the U.S. Department of Education Blue Ribbon Award of Excellence in 2018.