Frankfort School District 157-C Home

A Tradition of Excellence

News & Announcements

Join us for the upcoming Tiger University! Featured Photo

Join us for the upcoming Tiger University!

Please join us for the first Tiger University of the school year! The topic is "Supporting Parents with Use of AAC Devices". Tiger University will be held on Tuesday, September 24 from 5:30–6:30 pm at Chelsea Intermediate School.

Our Mission

The mission of District 157-C is to prepare all students to be confident, life-long learners and productive citizens by challenging them to reach their fullest potential and by providing a quality educational environment in partnership with family and community.

Statement of Beliefs

We Believe That:
- The excellence of the community and the excellence of its educational system are mutually dependent.
- Education is the shared responsibility of the student, family, school and community.
- All students can learn and should be challenged to achieve their fullest potential.
- Students need to be actively engaged in the learning process.
- Public schools can provide students with the basic skills necessary to become life-long, productive citizens in an ever-changing world.
- Public schools prepare students for responsible citizenship in a multi-cultural society.