ARP-ESSR III Use of Funds Plan
The American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief plan was signed into law in March 2021. It provides funds to State educational agencies and school districts to help reopen and sustain the operation of schools and address the impact of the coronavirus pandemic.
Section 2001(i) of the ARP Act requires a Local Education Agency (LEA) that receives ARP ESSER funds to develop and make publicly available on its website a plan for the safe return to in-person instruction and continuity of services. The LEA must seek public comment on the plan and take such comments into consideration when developing the plan.
FSD 157-C provided notice of a public hearing through the The Herald-News newspaper and publicly showcased its intent to hold a public hearing on its use of the funds at the November 17, 2021 Board of Education meeting. The specifics of the plan were publicly discussed at the public hearing, with opportunity for public comment. The newspaper advertisement, the Board of Education agenda that was provided to the community, and the plan are attached below. In addition, the Board of Education recap article detailing the ARP ESSER presentation at the public hearing, which was provided to FSD 157-C families through its December E-News email blast on November 30, is also attached.
The District is using the funds allocated to it through the ARP ESSER to assist with requirements imposed on Illinois schools related to opening regulations from the Illinois State Board of Education that would not otherwise be present without pandemic mitigation directives from the State.
Use of ESSER III Funds Plan
Legal Notice -Herald News
November Board Agenda with Topic Notice
E-News Email with Reference to ESSER III Presentation
Board Meeting Recap Story - Recapping ESSER Presentation
ESSER III PowerPoint Presented at November Board Meeting