Parents » Parent Organizations

Parent Organizations

Athletic Boosters

The Athletic Boosters is a voluntary organization made up of parents from within our school district. The Boosters raise money through hot lunch sales, ice cream sales, spirit wear, membership and concessions. The money raised is donated back to the schools and used for physical fitness equipment, physical education programs, and team sports. 

President Jessica O'Connor
Hot Lunch Coordinator Cory Nellis
Member-at-Large Julia Labuda
Liz Baskel
Brittany Viola
Lana Jagannathan

Band and Orchestra Boosters

The Band Boosters is a non-profit organization that raises funds to supplement the band organization. This organization purchases instruments, food, uniforms, and music and provides funds for transportation, concerts, extra clinicians, socials, etc. The Boosters organization supports the band program, which includes Fifth Grade Band, Concert Band, Symphonic Band, Lab Jazz Band, Orchestra, and Concert Jazz Band. Frankfort 157-C has a superb band program that has won many awards and honors (Super State, First Place in District and State Competitions, etc). All parents of district students who are interested in the band program are welcome to volunteer to join the Band Boosters in promoting a truly outstanding organization. Meeting are held the 3rd Friday of the Month at 1:00PM in the Band Room at Hickory Creek.

President Erika Johnson
Vice President
Jenna Feminis
VP/Hot Lunches Emily Kociolek
Secretary Brenna D'Ambrosio
Treasurer Pam Klipstein
Member-at-Large  Kevin Wagner
Member-at-Large Tiffany Iwinski
Hot Lunch Rep - GP Open
Hot Lunch Rep - CH Jackie Kreuger
Hot Lunch Rep - HC Tessa Willliams

Chorus Boosters

The Chorus Booster Organization is comprised of parents whose children are enrolled in the chorus programs. The organization's purpose is to arouse and maintain an enthusiastic interest in the various needs of the Frankfort Tiger Chorus, to lend moral support to the chorus students, and to raise financial resources to support choral activities. The Chorus Booster Organization welcomes new members. 

President Matt Kremke
Co-VP - Vests/Uniforms Laura Marchel
Co-VP - Hot Lunch Adrienne Hannigan
Secretary Eric Kachin
Treasurer Rebecca Brown
Member-at-large Stephanie Pearson-Davis
Member-at-large Emily Kociolek

FSD157-C Education Foundation

The Education Foundation was developed to enrich the education of our school children by enhancing and supplementing the programs and resources currently offered by the District. It is also a goal to promote enthusiasm for education among the district families as well as the community. Areas of interest include technology, science, the arts, physical education, scholastic enhancement and professional and student leadership. Foundation grants are awarded to the schools to supplement existing programs and create new ones. Foundation fund raising efforts include the annual Casino Night fundraising dinner and hot lunch sales. The Foundation is a parent organization solely comprised of volunteers. Please consider volunteering your time or donating to this great organization. For more information please visit our website or Facebook page.

President: Nicole Queen
Vice President Gabrielle Dabaco
Treasurer Meghan Reinemann
Secretary Jennifer Bandes
Hot Lunch Chair Nicole Queen

FSP (Family School Partnership) 157-C

The FSP, (formerly the Frankfort PTA) has been working on behalf of District 157-C school and students for over fifty years. The FSP works through committees and volunteers to enrich the education of the children in our schools, and makes several monetary contributions to the schools. The mission of the FSP is to bring families into the school experience through volunteer opportunities and family fun events. It is our hope that no matter what your interest or schedule, there is a committee or event that may interest you.  If you are able to volunteer this year and would like more information please send an email to [email protected]

President Theresa Larkin
Co-Vice President Nicole Pacini
Co-Vice President Lauren Gray
Treasurer Maria Adams
Secretary Melissa Hunter