Chelsea Intermediate Home
Chelsea Intermediate School has been named a 2022 National Blue Ribbon School! View Chelsea's profile on the Blue Ribbon Site by clicking the image above.

Welcome to Chelsea Intermediate School
The original Chelsea Intermediate School located on Willow Street was constructed in 1965, with additions made in 1970 and 1972. This building was sold in June of 2007 to the Lincoln-Way Area Special Education Cooperative 843, and grades three through five were moved to the original Hickory Creek Middle School located on 80th Avenue. This school has since been renamed Chelsea Intermediate School. The structure was originally constructed in 1974, with the addition of a new gym and walkway connecting two separate buildings in 1995. Since then, the building has undergone a renovation that allowed for the addition of several classrooms and a Fine Arts Wing. In 2008, a new addition including a multipurpose room and nine classrooms was added. This project also included a complete renovation of the site around the building to increase parking and transportation procedures for the school. In 2023, Chelsea Intermediate School completed a major renovation and construction project. This project added additional classrooms, including collaborative learning spaces for every grade level, as well as a renovation of existing classrooms.

2023-2024 YEAR IN REVIEW
23-24 was a great school year for our Chelsea Tigers! Take a look at some of the highlights by watching our Year in Review video.
Welcome to Chelsea Information
Invitation Reminder
We never want to have a child feel left out or have his or her feelings hurt by not receiving an invitation to a party. Even as adults, we know the emotional hurt from being excluded. This is why we highly discourage the passing out of invitations at school. The only exception is if the whole class is invited and the invitations are distributed by the child’s teacher. Invitations are never to be distributed by a student or parent. Thank you for your cooperation. If you have any questions, please contact your building administrator.
Chelsea Intermediate School
22201-22297 S 80th Ave,
Frankfort, Illinois, 60423
Frankfort, Illinois, 60423
Phone: (815) 469-2309
School Hours: Grades 3, 4, and 5: 9:05AM - 3:30PM
Early Dismissal: 12:05PM
Early Dismissal: 12:05PM