Deanne Zito » Recorder Practice (Recommended)

Recorder Practice (Recommended)

Recorder Best in Class Text book practice (White Belt- Green Belt)

If you have not yet earned your belts, continue practicing songs #1-7 and #9-12 on pages 3-6 of “Best in Class.”

Students ready to move on will practice songs #13-18 on pages 6-7 of your “Best in Class” book.

Be sure to study your “New Idea” section and practice the fingering for your new note, “C.”

Belts can be earned for songs #13 and #15.

Students ready to move on can practice both parts of song #19 to be played with a partner in the next class. Be sure to practice the fingering for your new note, “D.” You may also play songs #20-23. You must complete the “Theory Game” for #23 before you are able to play it.

*Bonus song- “Jingle Bells” is located on page 32 of your “Best in Class” book. Once you learn “D,” you should not have any trouble playing it.

Holding the Recorder to play B, A, and G
Playing Songs using A
Recorder Best in Class Text book practice (Purple and Blue Belt)

If you have not yet earned your belts, continue practicing songs #1-7 and #9-23 on pages 3-8 of “Best in Class.” Make sure you are studying you “New Idea” sections and practicing the fingerings for all new notes.

Students who are ready to move on can practice songs #24-25, and can fill in the “Theory Game” #26 on page 8.

Belts will be given for songs #24 and #25.

Students may also begin practicing page 9, being sure to study the “New Idea” section before playing song # 27. Practice both parts of song #28 to be played in class with a partner for a bonus duet belt.