Alexander Zacharias » Quarter Four Curriculum

Quarter Four Curriculum

Math - Eureka Module 6: Decimal Fractions

This 20-day module gives students their first opportunity to explore decimal numbers via their relationship to decimal fractions, expressing a given quantity in both fraction and decimal forms. Utilizing the understanding of fractions developed throughout Module 5, students apply the same reasoning to decimal numbers, building a solid foundation for Grade 5 work with decimal operations. Previously referred to as whole numbers, all numbers written in the base-ten number system with place value units that are powers of 10 are henceforth referred to as decimal numbers, a set which now includes tenths and hundredths (e.g., 1, 15, 248, 0.3, 3.02, and 24.35). 


Science - Energizing Everything: 

In this unit, students explore energy! Students investigate how energy is stored, how it can make objects move, and how collisions transfer energy between objects. Students also construct devices that convert energy from one form into another, such as heat into motion and electricity into light. We will explore the following mysteries...


Mystery 1: How is your body similar to a car?

Mystery 2: What makes roller coasters go so fast?

Mystery 3: Why is the first hill of a rollercoaster always the highest?

Mystery 4: Could you knock down a building using dominoes?

Mystery 5: Can you build a chain reaction machine?

Mystery 6: What if there were no electricity?

Mystery 7: How long did it take to travel the world before trains and planes?

Mystery 8: Where does energy come from?

Mystery 9: Can you turn a flashlight on without touching it?



Social Studies - West & Southwest Regions

*Will begin halfway through the second quarter after the completion of our science unit.* 

We will continue our study of the United States Regions this quarter! With the West & Southwest Regions of the United States, we will be exploring the culture and geography of this corner of our country. Throughout our unit, we will be reading informational texts and also studying the locations of these states, identifying the capitals, and memorizing the abbreviations. At the end of the quarter, students will be responsible for memorizing the locations, capitals, and abbreviations of these states. At the conclusion of this unit, we will begin our culminating activity to celebrate our knowledge of all 50 states. More information to come!

**West Region Quiz Date: TBD**

**Southwest Region Quiz Date: TBD**