Kristi Spengler » Our Math Focus

Our Math Focus

What is Number Sense?  Number sense is a person's ability to understand, relate, and connect numbers.  Children with strong number sense think flexibly and fluent about numbers. It is my goal for the children to help them visualize and talk comfortably about numbers.  One tool to help them see the connection between numbers is a Number Bond.  We work on taking apart numbers and putting them back together in different ways.  For example:  8+2, 5+5, 6+4, and so on.  This helps the children learn all the ways to make 10.  Another component of number sense is to be able to compute mentally; solving problems in their head instead of using paper and pencil.  Finally, relating numbers to real-life problems by connecting them to everyday world.  Number Structuring provides flexible thinking and helps build our math confidence!