Chelsea Orchestra is up and running!!!

Here is the email with all of the info for the start of the year. Please be sure to check the calendar link and sync it to your phones! :)
Hi everyone!
This is the first test of our Fifth Grade Orchestra email system! If you're receiving this email, that's a good sign! 
Instrument deliveries are supposed to begin the first week of October. Kids expecting these should​ receive everything at their first rehearsals. (We have heard that some of the emails regarding instrument rentals have sadly ended up in spam. If you think you might be missing something, it just may be waiting for you in that pesky spam folder! 🙁)
We are looking to begin with small groups in the morning. Kids can be dropped off at 8:15 a.m. on rehearsal days. Please use the main doors on the south side of the building. (Note, doors won't open until 8:15, so please keep an eye on that weather!)
Our first week will look like this: 
Tuesday, October 10th
Cellos and Basses
Wednesday, October 12th
Violins and violas
After this first week, we will begin our regular full orchestra rehearsals! These are always on Tuesday and Thursday mornings for all instruments!
Our online calendar is probably the best way to keep track of our schedule. You can access it online here:
... or subscribe to the feed here (my favorite option):
We're just beginning to fill out this calendar, so more dates should pop up soon!
Otherwise, we should have more info for you shortly. If you have any concerns with upcoming deliveries, be sure to reach out directly to the rental company. Our rep visits us regularly, but they're an outside company, so we don't always have direct contact through the school.
We can't wait to get started! We will see the kids soon! 
Shannon Shanahan
Orchestra Director
Chelsea Intermediate School
Hickory Creek Middle School