HCMS Orchestra Update 2023-24

Hi everyone!
Here is our official new school year kick-off post! Woohoo!! I'll make this as short and sweet at possible! 
Morning rehearsals will begin the week of September 11trh. 
Monday/Wednesday mornings: 6th Grade Orchestra 
Tuesday/Thursday mornings: 7th/8th Grade Orchestra
Doors will open at 6:55
Rehearsals begin at 7:05
*Any 6th graders wanting an extra challenge are welcome to also come play along with our older group. And, as always, any 7th and 8th graders wanting service hours are more than welcome to come help out with our 6th Grade Orchestra! The more the merrier! 
You can find just about everything you should need to know on our HCMS Google calendar. Check it out here:
If you want to sync it right to your phone, click the following link:
Thanks for everything!