Cassidy Kois » Week at a Glance/ Homework

Week at a Glance/ Homework


Focus standards for the week:
  • RI 5.1 - Use exact text evidence to prove what the author is trying to say explicitly or inferentially 
  • RI 5.5 - Compare and contrast text structures within one text, or between two texts
  • RI 5.6 - Analyze multiple accounts of the same topic, noting similarities or differences in their points of view 
Reading: Compare and contrast Firsthand and secondhand accounts of child labor in the 1800 and 1900s; Identify and describe different primary and secondary sources within "Titanic" text 
Writing: Read sources and take bullet pointed notes on animal description/ appearance 
SWI: Latin root: facere
Sentence Study: copy mentor sentence into notebook
Homework: None
Reading: Continue using "Titanic" text to compare and contrast different non-fiction text structures as well as primary and secondary sources 
Writing: Read sources and take bullet pointed notes on animal description/ appearance
SWI: Latin root: facere
Sentence Study: label mentor sentence independently in notebook
Homework: Read and annotate Counting on Grace chapters 16 & 17. 
Reading: Read Counting on Grace chapters 18-20. 
Writing: Read sources and take bullet pointed notes on animal habitat 
SWI: Latin root: facere
Sentence Study: Label mentor sentence
Theme Thursday: Wear video game or Level Up shirt 
Reading: Informational text summative assessment, Read Counting on Grace chapters 14 & 15
Writing: Read sources and take bullet pointed notes on animal habitat 
SWI: assessment on Latin root: facere
Sentence Study: Label mentor sentence
Tiger Time: Second Step Lesson "Resisting Revenge" 
Reading: Informational Text Outcome Assessment 
Writing: Notes for animal description/ appearance and habitat are due today
SWI: None today
Sentence Study: None today
Homework: None