Maggie Sayles » Welcome to 6th Grade Math!

Welcome to 6th Grade Math!

My name is Mrs. Sayles.  I studied education at Saint Mary's College in Notre Dame, Indiana and received my Master's in Curriculum and Instruction from the University of Illinois.  This is my eighth year teaching here at Hickory Creek, and I am looking forward to having you in my class.  This is going to be an exciting and fun-filled school year. Sixth grade is an exciting journey as students gain more independence and transition to middle school life.  Students that are in my 1st/2nd period block will be fortunate enough to have two teachers. This math block will be co-taught with Tiffany Osberg. Please feel free to reach out to both of us with any questions regarding our classroom.


For additional math practice, we will be using a variety of on-line resources including IXL and Khan Academy.  Students will be able to use their class link portals to get into both accounts.  Below is the Khan Academy information to initially log-in/use if a computer may be reset throughout the school year.


Khan Academy Log-in information:
Username: first initial+last name26 (msayles26)
Password: Microsoft Passwords

***Some students have a username first initial+last name2026.... See OneNote for student information!***


All students will also have access to Carnegie's textbooks and skills practice pages via Access information can be found in your student's One Note.


Please e-mail us with any questions, comments, or concerns.

Mrs. Sayles: [email protected]

Mrs. Osberg: [email protected] 


We will walk again this year for those living with CF. Will you help us?

Students at HCMS will be asked, “How can we help others in need?” and participate in an SEL lesson to learn more about Cystic Fribrosis and helping others throughout the month of May. At the end of this month, they will walk the track in honor of those living with and fighting this disease. There is a school-wide page that was set up to help raise funds for the HCMS team with all proceeds going directly to the CF Foundation. Check the link below for more information and thank you in advance for your donation! Our school-wide goal this year is to raise $10,000.


The first 50 students who have $25 or more donated in their name will receive a participation t-shirt.


Your tax-deductible donation will go directly to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation to fund lifesaving research.


Our culminating activity will be an opportunity for our students and staff to participate in our own CF Walk May 24th - Please help us make CF stand for "Cure Found" :)